Tag: Rugby

  • Tirikumhanya na Mwari: Kundiona’s French Chapter

    Tirikumhanya na Mwari: Kundiona’s French Chapter

    Any student of Falcon College schoolmaster and respected historian, Dave Grant, can remember these words being uttered more than once in Room 1, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” How is that possible? Surely change, by virtue of its nature alters the status quo. Well, it took an hour and 45…

  • Cleopas Jnr Kundiona’s rugby journey

    Cleopas Jnr Kundiona’s rugby journey

    Seeing Cleopas Jnr Kundiona on the field donning the number 3 jersey for Zimbabwe’s First XV, the Sables, one would think that he’s the quintessential ‘born to play rugby’ kind of chap. But that could not be further from the truth. Though now playing impressive rugby in the green and white jersey, Cleopas only took…

  • Coaching & the Journey towards Helping Players Find Their Love for the Game

    Coaching & the Journey towards Helping Players Find Their Love for the Game

    A few weeks ago while tucked away during a cold Newlands winter night I was lucky enough to watch a truly amazing contest, one that has shaped my future, if not my destiny. The Gallagher Premiership Final between underdogs Harlequins and top dog the Exeter Chiefs. A clash between a side who a few months…